Friday, September 9, 2011

Sweetly by Jackson Pearce

Title: Sweetly

Author: Jackson Pearce

Series: (Companion novel to Sisters Red)

Genera: Paranormal Romance

Subjects: Witches, werewolves, candy shops, brothers and sisters

Length: 310 pgs. Hardcover

Rating: ê ê ê

Summary: Gretchen’s twin sister was taken by the “witch.” Atleast that’s what she thought when she was little. Now Gretchen and her brother Ansel are kicked out by their step mother and end up driving from Washington to North Carolina, where the car breaks down. Live Oak is a very small town and the locals aren’t welcoming. They end up having to stay with Sophia Kelley, a young woman who owns a chocolate shop. They start helping her and growing to like her. Ansel actually is falling for her. And the locals blame her for the disappearance of 8 girls in the last two years because of her chocolate festival. What is going on in Live Oak? Gretchen finds out from Samuel, who she starts to like.

So, it was kind of interesting because it kept me guessing. It had mystery behind the plot. I just wasn’t too interested in the characters. Gretchen was obsessed and depressed about her sister, even though that happened like 12 years ago. Ansel was kind of dull, and Sophia was confusing. I honestly liked the characters in Sisters Red better. I did like Samuel Reynolds because he was the character that connected this book to the last one. He is Silas’s older brother, and he was kind of awesome.

Well, not much else I can say. I do recommend both this and Sisters Red. Interesting take on werewolves that I definitely saw more of in the 1st book.

Art Review: Interesting illustration with the trees looking like a witches face. But the cover looks too childish.

~Haley G

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