Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan

Title: A Long Long Sleep

Author: Anna Sheehan

Genera: Dystopian Science Fiction

Subjects: future, biotechnology, robots, assassins, inheritance

Length: 342 pgs. Hardcover

Rating: ê ê ê ê

Rosalinda Fitzroy is awoken from her 62 year stasis slumber by a boy named Bren. Rose learns that she the heir to her father’s interplanetary corporation called UniCorp, and that her parents are now dead and her old boyfriend Xavier is probably dead too. She is swarmed with reporters, and gets a lot of (negative) attention. They try to put her back in school. She was never really good at school. She’s good at art, though. Her painting has improved since she went into the stasis tube. Little does she know that someone’s out to eliminate her.

Another great dystopian novel! I read it because its description reminded me of Across the Universe by Beth Revis. There are some similarities, but this book is different over all. A stasis tube is different from cryogenic freezing, but it still preserves and prevents aging.

Some of the supporting characters were cool, but Rose has a very wounded personality. She’s not very exciting, but her mysterious past of an abusive childhood definitely added interest. (I will not spoil this)

Once again, great world building. I’m always impressed at what these author come up with. Sometimes they have similar ideas, but the changes are always creative. Unicorn Estates, UniCorp. Unicorns to go with the Sleeping Beauty theme. Yes, this is basically a dystopian retelling Sleeping Beauty. I think it’s way better than the fairy tale. No faeries here, but robots? Advanced tech? Yes. I recommend this if you’re a fan of the dystopian genera.

Art Review: I love the roses on this cover! The edited the colors to make them a vibrant pink-red-purple with greenish yellow. The metallic blue text really stands out against the white and flowers. The cover artist did a great job of creating unity with variety in this cover picture.

~Haley G

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